temperature of explosion

英 [ˈtemprətʃə(r) ɒv ɪkˈspləʊʒn] 美 [ˈtemprətʃər əv ɪkˈsploʊʒn]

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  1. According to the energy balance theory, the superheating energy increases with the temperature in the process of boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion ( BLEVE).
  2. Catching of cutting temperature pulse of chemical explosion material and its experimental research
  3. When the temperature of hot spot is more than critical one and standing time reaches explosion condition, the explosion of emulsion base will explode.
  4. At the same time, the high temperature of blasting gas can causing gas and coal dust explosion.
  5. The results indicate that the running reliability of the leaked flammable gas alarm, the aerator and the pressure and temperature alarms is the key point to reduce the risk of explosion and burn in a CNG filling station.
  6. Real Time Diagnostics of Instantaneous Temperature of Combustion and Explosion Process by Modern Spectroscopy
  7. By experimentally studying the influence of initial temperature and pressure on explosion characteristics of city gas, the explosion limits of city gas under conditions of initial temperature ( 20~ 80 ℃) and initial pressure 0.1~ 0.2 MPa are measured.
  8. The results show that NiAl is formed through solid reaction between Al and Ni. The formation heat of NiAl was used to ignite reaction between Ti and C to form TiC. Al-Ni obviously reduced the start temperature of Ti-C explosion reaction.
  9. A method for estimating the critical temperature of thermal explosion of explosive based on a relation between the quantitative DTA ( or DSC) and Semenov's theory of thermal explosion under non-isothermal condition is presented.
  10. The critical temperature of thermal explosion of the compound is 191.16 ℃.
  11. A numerical method for computing the critical temperature ( T b) of thermal explosion of energetic materials from a set of data of thermal explosion temperature ( T I) and determined explosion induction ( t I) is presented.
  12. Using the variational method, the critical parameters including critical temperature of thermal explosion for the finite cylinder of energetic materials have been calculated and the effects of aspect ratio are analyzed.
  13. Experimentai Study of KIC of Ductile Metals at High Temperature The universal characteristic for dynamic tensile fracture of ductile metals under the explosion and shock wave loading has been evaluated by experiments and numerical simulation.
  14. The tough-brittle transition temperature of whole scaled pipelines can be obtained through explosion test on such pipes with premade fractures at low temperature.
  15. Based on the energy conversation equation of chemical engineering thermodynamics, two computation methods of explosion temperature and pressure of gas explosion in vessels were built.
  16. Once the temperature of the environment exceeds the critical explosion temperature, the delayed-action time will shorten along with the temperature of the environment ascending;
  17. For the emulsion explosive, the critical temperature T_B ( K) and the critical lag t_B ( s) of thermal explosion is calculated.
  18. Plasma Radiation Temperature Measurement of Metal Explosion
  19. The elemental composition and the temperature of thermal explosion are principal factors to influence the reactions and morphology of the products.
  20. Computer Simulation on the Temperature Field of Gas Explosion and Lab Measurement for the Flame Thickness
  21. High temperature and pressure behind the reflected shock induce the generation of hot spots and local explosion. Then, the re-initiation of gaseous detonation occurs.
  22. Analysis on the Instantaneous Temperature Field of Nanometer Crystal Coating by Electric Explosion Method
  23. Numerical Calculation for Critical Temperature of Thermal Explosion in Detonators Under Nonisothermal Conditions
  24. Through the measurement of the changes in temperature and pressure in a vessel at the very moment of explosion the movement of gas-liquid two-phase medium in the vessel can be analyzed for a further study of the cause of the integral rupture of the vessel.
  25. Numerical solution of the critical temperature of thermal explosion of explosive under linearly increasing temperature conditions
  26. The results shows that the rock mass, impact height, impact angle, nature of rock, concentration of quartz and the humidification of the rock are the main factors influencing the temperature of the rock impact-friction sparks and the gas explosion.
  27. The influences of powder particle size, purity and heating temperature on the microstructure of thermo explosion synthesised products were investigated.
  28. It changes from normal temperature to the state of spontaneous combustion explosion, which is affected and restricted by a variety of factors.
  29. The fireworks are dangerous goods, with explosion hazardous characteristics, when subjected to impact, vibration, friction or contact with high temperature, the source of fire, explosion may occur.
  30. The results showed that the critical temperature of unconfined thermal explosion for explosive cylinder increase while increasing the content of TATB, and the smaller size of the cylinder, the phenomena is more obvious.